Sunday 20 April 2014

114 - Morcilla Croquettes [Morcilla Croquetas]

Every so often a promotional email makes me excited. When I learned from a friend that The Anthenaeum in Aberdeen were having a tiki themed event with tapas I decided I had to go! It took a few attempts to get there but worth it as it was a lot of fun and I manged to acquire some tiki cups. The tapas was interesting as it was a Scottish fusion twist on Spanish food (Haggis and Chorizo) with Caribbean cocktails. A strange mix but one that made me happy!

The Verdict:

Loved these. Crispy, tasty, moist and incredibly, incredibly moreish. They were filling, made more so by the mayonnaise dip but boy were they good.

Taste:  4/5 My Personal Favourite
Cost:   4/5 Decent Deal
Visual: 3/5 Patchy
Magic: 3/5 Si

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